Personal Blog
Copyright @ 2023
Welcome to my World
No matter where you go, everyone's connected.
I'm happy to see you, thank you for visiting me. I hope you like the aesthetics and music of this world, the world's design is influence by this unknown man named "terminal 00". I liked his work of art and decide to create my own world too. If you want talk about how I build this world or other stuff, you can contact me through my various accounts Myanimelist Steam GitHub
Serial Experiments Lain is widely regarded as a masterpiece due to its captivating story and themes. The series follows the journey of Lain, a teenage girl who becomes obsessed with the Wired, a global network that connects all people and information.
My dearest Bu,
Happy 1st love anniversary! It's hard to believe that it's already been a year since we fell in love, and I feel so lucky to have spent it with you. You make every day brighter with your love and your unwavering support.
Thank you for being my partner, my best friend, and my Beibu. I appreciate your kindness, your patience, and your understanding. You are the reason why I smile and why I look forward to the future with such excitement.
To commemorate our love for the past year. I create a game just for you, click the article to view.
Do you have any C++ knowledge? Do you want to learn 3D programming? You're in the right place! The tutorials on this page will help you get started developing 3D programs using OpenGL and GLUT quickly. I have created this to be simple enough for beginners to grasp while being sophisticated enough for expert developers. Each lesson features a slide and source to help you practice. So why are you still waiting? Let's study a little OpenGL!
Ohhh, I wish I could live five times over. Then I'd be born in five different places,
and I'd stuff myself with different food from around the world...I'd live five different
lives with five different occupations...And then, for those five times...
I'd fall in love with the same person...
Password: sukidayo
My fascination with the "Wired" and "CyberWorld". lead me to think in my early teen years. I thought to myself, what if we can transfer our consciousness temporarily or permanently on the internet, a game, or a computer. It would be a wonderful feeling to be fully immersed in your favorite game, hang out with your friends that are far away, do random things without consequences, even old people can feel young inside this world that we can customize and control. But it won't be perfect, it will have many risks, but still, I wish I'm still alive to experience this.